
Monday, February 19, 2018

My Weekend By Xavier

My Weekend
During the weekend, I went to Parakai Pools with my family. My dad and I went on the slide together. It was really fast and we had a lot of fun. I was having a lot of fun with my family. My favourite part was when I went on the long green slide. It was was a hot sunny day and my mum made us healthy snacks. It was a busy day doing things that we love as a family. This is a happy memory that I will remember forever.

By Xavier

Image result for Parakai pool


  1. I hope you remember to thank your mum and dad for such a special day.

  2. Fantastic Work Xavier!! Great WORK! I love how you describe how the day felt for you and what you did! Next time add more detail. Keep it up!

  3. Malo lei lei Savior you did the most active learning I have ever seen.

    keep it up, even tho you are a year 3 your work is great.

  4. Hi Saviour

    I hope that you had a good time at parakai pools with your family hope you enjoy blogging this year.
    By sateki

  5. Hey Xavier,
    First of all I would like to say I really like how you explained to us what kind of pools you guys went to not.

    Second of all, I really like how you told us what was your favourite part of the trip.

    Third of all, I really really enjoyed this Recount and I hope to see more blogging from you.

    Kind Regards,
