
Saturday, March 3, 2018

Lockdown, By Monique

On  Friday in the afternoon St Pius X School went to the hall. Lisa she was the manager for the Lock down and she told St Pius X School what to do but if their is danger. Lisa said to lie down on the ground and stay down so no one can see you.

We had to do it and we had to go to classrooms and practice Knocked garden what Lisa said so St Pius X School can have no danger we practice and practice Lisa nokd on the door and she said you have to run outside and the helicopter came to see if St Pius X School was good and were good.


  1. Hi Monique,
    I enjoyed reading your recount about lockdown practise. When our class did it, my stomach starting to hurt.

    Keep up the good work! :),

    Kind Regards,

  2. Hi Monique

    I like how you have told us about the lock down so I know what to do when I am in danger


  3. Dear Monique that was a great recount on the lock down because it is very important that we know what to do if something happens like that like if a wild dog or something comes like a crazy man comes and has a gun or if a bear come anything anything can happen

  4. Hi Monique

    I love that you used punctuation in your writting and that you use them in a good way I loved your writting can't wait for your blogging this year.
    Keep it up!
    By sateki

  5. Hello Monique,
    Your description is awesome about how we had lock down and I love how you described what we have to do when theirs a lock down.

    Keep it up,

  6. Malo lelei Monique,
    I think that your Lock down production is outstanding.
    You have done a great job on giving us the five W.
    your plan is very interesting and It really hooked me in to your writing.

    Keep up the great work


  7. Hi Monique,
    I really like your recount about the lockdown practise. Maybe next time you should tell us how you felt, was it scary? was it fun?. When we did it, my stomach started to hurt too.

    Keep up the work! :)

    Kind Regards,

  8. Hi Monique
    keep up the great work you have I like the recount about the lock down I like how it was fun or scary.
